Ghost 5.0 released πŸŽ‰

Check out all the Ghost 5.0 features in the latest major release from the Ghost team. Memberships tiers, multiple newsletters, a new dashboard and more.

Norbert3 min read

The Ghost Team announced the release of Ghost 5.0 as the next generation of powerful technology for independent publishers.

This release is a comprehensive overview of what the team has been working on for the last couple of months.

What's new in Ghost v5?

Here are some of the features included in Ghost v5:

  • dashboard improvements: there are detailed audience analytics and insights that will help you better understand how your publication is performing
  • multiple newsletters: you can create multiple different newsletters for a single site, and you will have control over the branding and design of each newsletter individually
  • publishing flow: a new publishing flow was designed, making it simpler and more user friendly
  • tiers & offers: you can have paid subscribers, at different levels with monthly and yearly billing intervals using the membership tiers functionality, additionally you can also now create discounts and promotions using the offers feature
  • email design settings: you can customize your email and newsletter from the Admin
  • new editor cards: a lot of new content cards were added in the last few months giving you even more options to be creative with your content
  • custom design settings: themes can define their own settings so you can update the look and feel of your site right inside the admin

Actually, there is much more, check out the official changelog for more.

Breaking changes in Ghost 5.0

As is the case for every major release, there are some breaking changes. On the technical side it's important to note:


MySQL 8 is the only supported database for both development and production environments.

Here are some other things you should look out for before updating:

  • The {{@price}} helper has been replaced with {{price}}
  • The {{@products}} helper has been replaced with {{tiers}}
  • The {{@member.product}} has been replaced with {{@member.subscriptions}}
  • The paid tiers now have numeric monthly_price and yearly_price attributes (currency attributes are separate)
  • Card assets will now be included by default, including bookmark and gallery cards (this can be changed in the package.json file)
  • The {{@blog}} Β feature has been removed

All changes are documented in the Breaking Changes section and also on GitHub If your theme uses deprecated helpers and features you will have to replace them with the new ones.


Gscan was updated and can be used to validate your theme.

Ghost 5.0 Themes

As there are some breaking changes, if you are looking for a Ghost theme, you have to make sure compatibility is not an issue. The most important points were mentioned under the breaking changes section.


Check out our Premium Ghost Themes, all compatible with Ghost 5.0. You can get access to all of them with the Bundle.

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