Custom Ghost Themes

We create high-quality custom Ghost Themes. We have helped creators, publishers and businesses create visually stunning and high-performing websites on the Ghost CMS platform.

Available for custom projects


Classmate exists to support awesome educators in reinventing teaching & learning. The mission is to inspire the next generation to embrace a love for lifelong learning and cultivate the skills necessary to thrive in life.

We created a custom Ghost theme from scratch, based on specific design requirements. A unique homepage with different sections managed dynamically as well as custom pages for Stories & Inspiration.

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First Round Review

First Round provides tactical advice for founders and startup leaders — from interview questions and tips for new managers, to how to find a co-founder and product-market fit.

We created a custom Ghost theme from scratch, based on specific design requirements. A complex homepage as well as many custom templates and pages were created to support the wide range of content published by First Round, including: Articles, Collections, Newsletter, Podcast and more.

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First Round Review

The Lever

A reader-supported news organization holding power accountable.

The is powered by a Ghost theme we created from scratch, based on Tailwind CSS.

All elements were custom built, including all sections on the homepage like the hero section, the exclusive premium content section, books section and more.

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The Lever

Stanford CIS

The Center for Internet and Society at Stanford Law School is a leader in the study of the law and policy around the Internet and other emerging technologies.

We created a custom theme from scratch with some unique features and templates to support the wide variety of content types Stanford CIS is publishing:

  • People directory - listing team members and all contributors
  • Work / Blog / Publications / Press - collections listing different types of content which can be filtered by author and topic
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Stanford CIS

Cliff Hazell

Cliff helps leaders at Scaleups guiding them through their challenges of more people, overflowing projects, and unscalable processes.

The site is based on the Rinne theme, with some custom elements added to the homepage. We added new sections for highlighting clients, services, testimonials and a custom about section.

All these custom elements can be easily maintained from the Ghost Admin, from the dedicated pages defined for each section.

Visit Cliff Hazell
Cliff Hazell


A team of researchers dedicated to applied, scalable AI alignment research.

We created a completely custom theme, from scratch, based on Tailwind CSS, with two main content collections: research and jobs. Each collection having it's own page.

Visit Conjecture

Antropomedia Express

Enlighten your target audience research. Antropomedia Express is an audience encyclopedia and segmentation model designed and published by Antropomedia.

The site is based on the Dashi theme, with a couple of custom tag pages: Consumer Tribes, Case Studies and Consumer Stats.

We also built an advanced search filter function, to make it easy for visitors to research an filter content based on different topics, as well as combinations of topics.

Visit Antropomedia Express
Antropomedia Express

Creator Science

Creator Science explores how to succeed as a professional content creator. Each week, Creator Science digs into the details of how creators are finding success today.

This site is a combination of our Fumio & Rinne. Fumio is the base with custom sections from the Rinne theme, like the resources section.

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Creator Science

Edge Impulse Blog

Edge Impulse is the leading development platform for machine learning on edge devices.

We created the Ghost theme for the Edge Impulse blog from scratch, replicating their main site header, footer and navigation as well custom sections for featured posts, projects and more.

We also created custom collections like Projects, with further options for filtering and navigating content.

Visit Edge Impulse Blog
Edge Impulse Blog

Evangelical Times

The Reformed Evangelical Christian newspaper online and in print.

We created a custom theme from scratch, with some extra features and integrations like configurable advertisement sections, book review collection, Airtable integration for Events and Jobs.

Visit Evangelical Times
Evangelical Times


Largest marketplace of verified dealership collector cars and classic cars for sale.

We built a theme starting from our Dashi theme, adding custom sections like featured dealers, custom CTA and some custom features like auto-loading the next article.

Visit Motorious


Organizational tools and methods to get organized, be productive and serene.

We customized the Flair theme, creating a unique home page, a custom articles page listing different categories of content. We created custom collections for category pages to showcase long form content alongside the articles list.

Visit Organisologie


Outpost helps Ghost-powered membership-driven sites and newsletters thrive, with autoresponders, tech integrations, and more.

We built on top of the Nikko theme and added custom collections and pages like homepage, pricing, blog and more.

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Productize & Scale

Productize & Scale provides knowledge, tools, and community support you need to start or grow your productized service.

We built their site starting from our Rinne customizing the style and the layout of the pages. Created a custom homepage and guides collection and page.

Visit Productize & Scale
Productize & Scale

Twotone Consulting

Twotone is a sales, marketing, PR & creative agency focused on the cycling industry, based in Amsterdam.

We used the Fumio theme as a starting point and built a custom homepage showcasing clients and highlighting their services as well as their latest newsletter issues.

We created custom clients, services and about pages.

Visit Twotone Consulting
Twotone Consulting

Let's bring your dream
Ghost theme to life!

Looking to build a custom Ghost Theme? Let us know what you have in mind, we can help you create a custom Ghost theme that fits your brand and align with your unique vision.