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Maali Changelog

Maali theme changelog with all version details and changed files. [+] → a new file, [*] → a changed file and [-] → a deleted file


02 Jun 2024


  • ✨ add post-card multi-tag support
  • ☀️ updated the dependencies

Changed files:

[*] partials/post-card.hbs
[*] partials/post-card-simple.hbs

[*] assets/css/components/_post-card.css

[*] assets/dist/app.min.css (generated file)
[*] assets/dist/app.min.js (generated file)
[*] package.json


13 Mar 2024


  • ✨ improved CSS for "Header cards"
  • ✨ added comment count custom setting
  • 🐛 added CSS to hide links with href="#" in the footer
  • ☀️ updated the dependencies

Changed files:

[*] partials/post-author-date.hbs

[*] assets/css/components/_footer.css
[*] assets/css/components/_ghost-components.css
[*] assets/css/components/_post.css

[*] assets/dist/app.min.css (generated file)
[*] assets/dist/app.min.js (generated file)
[*] package.json


15 Nov 2023


  • ✨ added support for the new recommendations feature
  • ✨ updated twitter icon
  • 🐛 removed filter on dark theme images
  • 🐛 fixed membership discount when decimal prices are used
  • 🐛 fixed menu offset when announcement bar active
  • ☀️ updated the dependencies

Changed files:

[*] routes.yaml

[*] author.hbs
[*] membership.hbs
[+] recommend.hbs
[*] partials/author-card.hbs
[*] partials/social-links.hbs
[*] partials/social-share.hbs
[*] partials/icons/twitter-x.hbs

[*] assets/css/app.css
[*] assets/css/components/_header.css
[+] assets/css/components/_recommend.css
[*] assets/css/elements/_image.css

[*] assets/js/script.js

[*] assets/dist/app.min.css (generated file)
[*] assets/dist/app.min.js (generated file)
[*] package.json


10 Sep 2023


  • ✨ added support for the new version of "Header cards"
  • ☀️ updated the dependencies

Changed files:

[*] assets/css/components/_ghost-components.css

[*] assets/dist/app.min.css (generated file)
[*] assets/dist/app.min.js (generated file)
[*] package.json


05 Aug 2023


Changed files:

[*] page.hbs
[*] partials/post-hero.hbs

[*] assets/css/components/_ghost-components.css

[*] assets/dist/app.min.css (generated file)
[*] assets/dist/app.min.js (generated file)
[*] package.json


18 Jul 2023


  • ✨ added signup card support
  • ✨ added sneak peek overlay option on locked content
  • ☀️ updated the dependencies

Changed files:

[*] post.hbs
[*] custom-with-sidebar.hbs

[*] assets/css/components/_ghost-components.css
[*] assets/css/components/_post.css

[*] assets/dist/app.min.js (generated file)
[*] assets/dist/app.min.css (generated file)
[*] package.json


23 Jun 2023


  • 🐛 fixed toc on small devices
  • 🐛 fixed the bottom CTA input color
  • 🐛 fixed post with sidebar template (when set as default)
  • ✨ improved post card style on smaller devices
  • ☀️ updated the dependencies
  • ✨ changed footer link to

Changed files:

[*] post.hbs

[*] partials/footer.hbs

[*] assets/css/components/_cta.css
[*] assets/css/components/_footer.css
[*] assets/css/components/_post-card.css
[*] assets/css/components/_toc.css

[*] assets/dist/app.min.js (generated file)
[*] assets/dist/app.min.css (generated file)
[*] package.json


12 May 2023


  • ✨ changed hero layouts
  • ✨ added separate latest news section on the homepage
  • ✨ added header menu dropdown options
  • ✨ changed the latest, tag and author templates to list format from grid
  • ✨ updated the tags template to use larger image and display the tag description

Changed files:

[*] author.hbs
[*] custom-with-toc.hbs
[*] home.hbs
[*] index.hbs
[*] latest.hbs
[*] page.hbs
[*] tag.hbs
[*] partials/header.hbs
[*] partials/navigation.hbs
[*] partials/hero/3-featured.hbs
[*] partials/hero/4-featured-v2.hbs
[*] partials/post-card-simple.hbs

[*] assets/css/components/_header.css
[*] assets/css/components/_hero.css
[*] assets/css/components/_menu.css
[*] assets/css/components/_post.css
[*] assets/css/components/_tag.css
[*] assets/css/components/_settings.css
[*] assets/css/components/_utilities.css

[*] assets/dist/app.min.css (generated file)
[*] package.json


25 Mar 2023

✨ Initial release

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