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Flair Changelog

Flair theme changelog with all version details and changed files. [+] → a new file, [*] → a changed file and [-] → a deleted file


02 Jun 2024


  • ✨ added a new post template with no feature image
  • ✨ improved the social links configuration in the footer. (More details here)
  • ✨ improved hero section spacing
  • 🐛 fixed long CTA overlapping search
  • 🐛 fixed mobile menu position when scrolled
  • 🐛 fixed footer secondary navigation label displayed even when there are no items
  • 🐛 fixed console error in header when header is not sticky
  • 🐛 fixed small image not being centered in image card
  • 🐛 fixed tag cards overlapping on mobile

Changed files:

[+] custom-with-no-feature-image.hbs 

[*] post.hbs 
[*] tags.hbs 
[*] partials/footer.hbs 
[*] partials/header.hbs 
[*] partials/hero.hbs 
[*] partials/mobile-menu.hbs 
[*] partials/post-hero.hbs 
[*] partials/social-links.hbs 
[+] partials/icons/threads.hbs

[*] assets/src/css/ghost.css
[*] assets/src/css/theme.css

[*] assets/built/app.css (generated file)
[*] assets/built/app.js (generated file)
[*] package.json
[*] package-lock.json


04 Apr 2024


  • ✨ added a new layout for the featured tags: "cards"
  • ✨ added tags page
  • ✨ increase spacing between cards on mobile
  • ✨ improve the hero section spacing
  • 🐛 fix margin on page layout with no title starting with header card
  • 🐛 fixed submenu overflow when a label is long

Changed files:

[+] tags.hbs 
[+] partials/tag-card.hbs 

[*] default.hbs 
[*] home.hbs 
[*] tag.hbs
[*] partials/featured-posts.hbs 
[*] partials/featured-tags-section.hbs 
[*] partials/hero.hbs 
[*] partials/post-card.hbs 
[*] partials/post-feed.hbs 
[*] partials/related-posts.hbs 

[*] assets/src/css/ghost.css
[*] assets/src/js/index.js
[*] assets/src/js/utils.js

[*] locales/de.json 
[*] locales/en.json 
[*] locales/es.json 
[*] locales/fr.json 
[*] locales/it.json 
[*] locales/nl.json 
[*] locales/pt.json 

[*] routes.yaml

[*] assets/built/app.css (generated file)
[*] assets/built/app.js (generated file)
[*] package.json
[*] package-lock.json


15 Mar 2024

✨ Initial release

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