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Joben Changelog

Joben theme changelog with all version details and changed files. [+] → a new file, [*] → a changed file and [-] → a deleted file


13 Mar 2024


  • ✨ added published date to the post template hero section
  • ✨ added a new custom setting for controlling the post feed grid columns (2, 3)
  • ✨ added a new custom setting for enabling post card colors based on the primary tag accent color
  • 🐛 removed redirects from membership and account pages after sign up
  • ☀️ updated the dependencies

Changed files:

[*] members/signup.hbs
[*] page-membership.hbs
[*] index.hbs
[*] partials/post-card.hbs
[*] partials/post-hero.hbs
[*] partials/theme-config.hbs

[*] assets/css/components/_post-card.css
[*] assets/css/utilities/_flex.css
[*] assets/icons/feather-sprite.svg
[*] assets/js/script.js

[*] gulpfile.js
[*] assets/dist/app.min.css (generated file)
[*] assets/dist/app.min.js (generated file)
[*] package.json


13 Mar 2024


  • ✨ improved CSS for "Header cards"
  • ☀️ updated the dependencies

Changed files:

[*] assets/css/components/_ghost-components.css

[*] assets/dist/app.min.css (generated file)
[*] assets/dist/app.min.js (generated file)
[*] package.json


01 Dec 2023


  • ✨ added support for the new recommendations feature
  • ✨ updated twitter icon
  • 🐛 removed filter on dark theme images
  • ☀️ updated the dependencies

Changed/new files:

[*] routes.yaml

[*] author.hbs
[*] page-authors.hbs
[+] recommend.hbs
[*] partials/social-media.hbs
[*] partials/social-share.hbs
[+] partials/twitter-x.hbs

[*] assets/css/app.css
[+] assets/css/components/_recommend.css
[+] assets/css/utilities/_states.css

[*] assets/dist/app.min.css (generated file)
[*] assets/dist/app.min.js (generated file)
[*] package.json


29 Sep 2023


  • ✨ added support for the new version of "Header cards"
  • ☀️ updated the dependencies

Changed files:

[*] assets/css/components/_ghost-components.css

[*] assets/icons/feather-sprite.svg
[*] assets/dist/app.min.css (generated file)
[*] assets/dist/app.min.js (generated file)
[*] package.json


05 Aug 2023


Changed files:

[*] default.hbs
[*] partials/page-hero.hbs

[*] assets/css/components/_ghost-components.css

[*] package.json

[*] assets/dist/app.min.css (generated file)
[*] assets/dist/app.min.js (generated file)


03 Jul 2023


  • ✨ added signup card support
  • ☀️ updated the dependencies
  • ☀️ improved the theme dev process
  • ✨ changed footer link to

Changed files:

[*] partials/footer.hbs

[*] assets/css/components/ghost-components.css

[*] gulpfile.js
[*] assets/dist/app.min.css (generated file)
[*] assets/dist/app.min.js (generated file)
[*] package.json


13 Mar 2023


  • ✨ added post sidebar subscribe/upgrade option
  • ✨ added hero stats setting (display number of posts and member numbers)
  • ✨ added membership tiers in the account page
  • ☀️ updated the dependencies

Changed files:

[*] index.hbs
[*] members/account.hbs
[*] partials/header.hbs
[*] partials/sidebar.hbs
[*] partials/user-menu.hbs
[+] partials/stats.hbs

[+] assets/css/components/_welcome.css
[*] assets/css/components/_members.css
[*] assets/css/components/_post.css
[*] assets/css/app.css

[*] assets/dist/app.min.css (generated file)
[*] assets/dist/app.min.js (generated file)
[*] package.json


26 Nov 2022


  • 🐛 fixed product card image stretching

Changed files:

[*] assets/css/components/_ghost-components.css

[*] assets/dist/app.min.css (generated file)
[*] assets/dist/app.min.js (generated file)
[*] package.json


26 Sep 2022


  • 🐛 fixed toc style (mobile/tablet)
  • 🐛 fixed feature image style for featured posts (height)
  • 🐛 fixed theme switcher on tablet

Changed files:

[*] assets/css/components/_header.css
[*] assets/css/components/_post.css
[*] assets/css/components/_toc.css

[*] assets/dist/app.min.css (generated file)
[*] assets/dist/app.min.js (generated file)
[*] package.json


19 Aug 2022


  • ✨ Added the native comment system & comment count
  • ✨ New custom setting Show comment count

Changed files:

[*] partials/comments.hbs
[*] partials/post-card.hbs

[*] assets/css/components/_comments.css

[*] assets/dist/app.min.css (generated file)
[*] assets/dist/app.min.js (generated file)
[*] package.json


20 Jul 2022


  • ✨ switched to native search
  • 🐛 fixed translation issues

Changed files:

[*] default.hbs
[*] author.hbs
[*] tag.hbs
[*] partials/header.hbs
[*] partials/post-card.hbs

[*] gulpfile.jss
[*] assets/js/script.js

[*] assets/dist/app.min.js (generated file)
[*] assets/dist/app.min.css (generated file)
[*] package.json


23 May 2022


  • ✨ added Ghost v5 support
  • ✨ updated the membership page to support tiers
  • ☀️ updated the dependencies

Changed files:

[*] members/account.hbs
[*] page-membership.hbs
[*] partial/theme-config.hbs

[*] assets/css/elements/_input.css
[*] assets/css/components/_members.css
[*] assets/css/components/_ghost-components.css

[*] assets/dist/app.min.js (generated file)
[*] assets/dist/app.min.css (generated file)
[*] package.json


03 May 2022


  • ✨ improved {{id}} usage
  • ☀️ updated dev tools
  • ☀️ updated the dependencies

Changed files:

[*] partials/related-posts.hbs
[*] partials/sidebar.hbs

[*] assets/icons/feather-sprite.svg
[*] assets/dist/app.min.css (generated file)
[*] assets/dist/app.min.js (generated file)
[*] gulpfile.js
[*] package.json


19 Dec 2021


  • ✨ added support for the new editor cards
  • 🐛 fix TOC background
  • 🐛 fix sticky header option
  • ☀️ updated the dependencies

Changed files:

[*] custom-with-with-sidebar.hbs
[*] custom-with-with-table-of-contents.hbs
[*] partials/theme-config.hbs

[*] assets/css/components/_ghost-components.css
[*] assets/css/components/_post.css
[*] assets/css/components/_toc.css

[*] assets/dist/app.min.css (generated file)
[*] assets/dist/app.min.js (generated file)
[*] package.json


14 Nov 2021


  • ✨ added custom theme settings (Admin UI)
    • site-wide settings
      • Secondary color
      • Default color scheme
      • Typography
      • Post feed style
      • Enable sticky header
      • Search url
      • Search key
      • Search in content
      • Enable scroll to top
    • homepage settings
      • Hero headline
      • Hero description
      • Hero form
    • post settings
      • Enable image lightbox
      • Open external links in new tab
  • ☀️ updated the dependencies

For more information check out the new Custom Theme Settings section in the docs.

Changed files:

[*] default.hbs
[*] index.hbs
[*] home2.hbs
[*] home3.hbs
[*] partials/theme-config.hbs
[*] partials/global-scripts.hbs

[*] assets/css/components/_buttons.css
[*] assets/css/components/_comments.css
[*] assets/css/components/_header.css
[*] assets/css/components/_hero.css
[*] assets/css/components/_post.css
[*] assets/css/components/_subscribe.css
[*] assets/css/components/_user-menu.css
[*] assets/css/settings/_settings.css
[*] assets/js/script.js

[*] assets/dist/app.min.js (generated file)
[*] assets/dist/app.min.css (generated file)
[*] package.json


6 Oct 2021


  • ✨ improved blockquote rendering, the text is aligned to left by default
  • ✨ improved link colors in dark mode
  • ✨ increased default border-radius to 3px
  • ☀️ updated the dependencies

Changed files:

[*] assets/css/components/_post.css
[*] assets/css/elements/_text.css
[*] assets/css/settings/_settings.css

[*] assets/dist/app.min.css (generated file)
[*] assets/dist/app.min.js (generated file)

[*] package.json


11 Jul 2021


  • ✨ added support for feature_image alt and caption
  • ✨ added config option for search in content
  • ✨ improved styling of cards (post,tag,sidebar)
  • 🐛 fixed small bug for the post-access-cta link
  • 🐛 fixed small bug post tags styling
  • ☀️ updated the dependencies

Changed files:

[*] partials/theme-config.hbs
[*] partials/page-hero.hbs
[*] partials/post-hero.hbs

[*] assets/css/components/_post-card.css
[*] assets/css/components/_post.css
[*] assets/css/components/_sidebar.css
[*] assets/css/components/_tag.css
[*] assets/css/components/_toc.css
[*] assets/css/elements/_misc.css
[*] assets/css/settings/_settings.css

[*] assets/js/script.js

[*] assets/dist/app.min.css (generated file)
[*] assets/dist/app.min.js (generated file)

[*] package.json


22 May 2021


  • 🐛 fixed a bug affecting the account page
  • ✨ improved link styling within posts
  • ☀️ updated the dependencies

Changed files:

[*] members/account.hbs
[*] assets/css/components/_post.css

[*] assets/dist/app.min.css (generated file)
[*] assets/dist/app.min.js (generated file)
[*] package.json


19 Mar 2021


  • ✨ Ghost v4 compatibility
    • renamed the post-access-cta to content-cta (as ghost uses it by default)
    • fixed visibility usage
    • updated the ghost engine
    • using to the {{price}} helper
  • ✨ possibility to fade the content preview

Changed files:

[+] partials/content-cta.hbs

[-] partials/post-access-cta.hbs

[*] default.hbs
[*] author.hbs
[*] custom-with-sidebar.hbs
[*] custom-with-table-of-contents.hbs
[*] error.hbs
[*] index.hbs
[*] home2.hbs
[*] home3.hbs
[*] page-archive.hbs
[*] page-membership.hbs
[*] page.hbs
[*] post.hbs
[*] tag.hbs
[*] members/account.hbs
[*] partials/cove_comments.hbs
[*] partials/header.hbs
[*] partials/related-posts.hbs
[*] partials/sidebar.hbs
[*] partials/theme-config.hbs
[*] partials/user-menu.hbs

[*] assets/css/components/_post.css
[*] assets/js/script.js

[*] assets/dist/app.min.css (generated file)
[*] assets/dist/app.min.js (generated file)
[*] package.json


12 Feb 2021


  • ✨ added new config option to open external links in posts in a new tab
  • 🐛 improved the table of contents function
  • ☀️ updated the dependencies

Changed files:

[*] partials/theme-config.hbs
[*] assets/js/script.js
[*] assets/dist/app.min.js (generated file)
[*] package.json


04 Jan 2021


  • ✨ improved "load more posts" function
  • 🐛 fixed font loading for Firefox
  • ☀️ updated the dependencies

Changed files:

[*] default.hbs

[*] gulpfile.js
[*] assets/js/script.js
[*] assets/dist/app.min.js (generated file)

[*] package.json


11 Dec 2020


  • ✨ added pwa into theme config options
  • ✨ improved image handling overall in the theme
  • 🐛 fixed meta title of sign in, sign up & account page
  • 🐛 fixed several html validation warnings
  • 🐛 fixed code block text selection background color
  • ☀️ updated the dependencies

Changed files:

[*] default.hbs
[*] index.hbs
[*] home2.hbs
[*] home3.hbs
[*] author.hbs
[*] tag.hbs
[*] page-authors.hbs
[*] partials/post-card.hbs
[*] partials/post-access-cta.hbs
[*] partials/subscribe.hbs
[*] partials/cove_comments.hbs
[*] partials/post-hero.hbs
[*] partials/sidebar.hbs
[*] partials/tag-card.hbs
[*] partials/theme-config.hbs

[*] assets/css/elements/_code.css
[*] assets/js/script.js
[*] assets/manifest.webmanifest

[*] assets/dist/app.min.css (generated file)
[*] assets/dist/ (generated file)
[*] assets/dist/app.min.js (generated file)
[*] assets/dist/ (generated file)

[*] package.json

[-] partials/img-placeholder.hbs


1 Nov 2020


  • ✨ added new config options (hyphenation and cove id)
  • ✨ added name field for subscribe/signup
  • ✨ extended translations
  • ☀️ updated theme dependencies

Changed files:

[*] assets/css/components/_hero.css
[*] assets/css/components/_subscribe.css
[*] assets/css/elements/_body.css
[*] assets/css/settings/_settings.css
[*] assets/dist/app.min.css (generated)
[*] assets/dist/ (generated)
[*] assets/dist/app.min.js (generated)
[*] assets/dist/ (generated)

[*] index.hbs
[*] members/signup.hbs
[*] package.json
[*] partials/cove_comments.hbs
[*] partials/global-scripts.hbs
[*] partials/subscribe.hbs
[*] partials/tag-card.hbs
[*] partials/theme-config.hbs
[*] routes.yaml

[*] locales/de.json
[*] locales/en.json
[*] locales/es.json
[*] locales/fr.json
[*] locales/it.json
[*] locales/pt.json
[*] locales/tr.json


27 Sep 2020


  • 🐛 fixed a bug affecting js functions (tag color contrast)
  • ☀️ updated theme dependencies
  • 🐛 fixed a bug causing some performance issues on page load

Changed files:

[*] default.hbs
[*] index.hbs
[*] page-archive.hbs
[*] partials/footer.hbs
[*] members/account.hbs
[*] assets/js/script.js
[*] assets/dist/app.min.js (generated file)
[*] assets/dist/ (generated file)
[*] package.json


10 Aug 2020


  • ✨ added support for tag accent color
  • ✨ improved the post access cta
  • ✨ general contrast improvement (post-card and sidebar elements)

Changed files:

[*] assets/css/components/_members.css
[*] assets/css/components/_post.css
[*] assets/css/components/_post-card.css
[*] assets/css/components/_sections.css
[*] assets/css/components/_sidebar.css
[*] assets/css/components/_subscribe.css
[*] assets/css/components/_tag.css
[*] assets/css/components/_toc.css
[*] assets/css/settings/_settings.css

[*] assets/dist/app.min.css (generated file)
[*] assets/dist/ (generated file)
[*] assets/js/script.js
[*] assets/dist/app.min.js (generated file)
[*] assets/dist/ (generated file)
[*] package.json

[*] partials/post-access-cta.hbs
[*] partials/post-card.hbs


22 Jul 2020


  • ✨ added cancel membership option
  • ✨ refactored theme-config

Changed files:

[*] members/account.hbs
[*] assets/css/components/_members.css
[*] assets/dist/app.min.css (generated file)
[*] assets/dist/ (generated file)
[*] package.json
[*] default.hbs
[*] partials/theme-config.hbs

[+] partials/global-scripts.hbs


18 Jul 2020


  • 🐛 fixed bug for table of contents with sticky header
  • ✨ added a bit more contrast in post card (border color & tag background)
  • ☀️ updated the dependencies
  • ✨ added turkish translation

Changed files:

[*] assets/css/components/_post-card.css
[*] assets/css/components/_toc.css
[*] assets/css/settings/_settings.css

[*] assets/dist/app.min.css (generated file)
[*] assets/dist/ (generated file)
[*] package.json
[*] assets/js/script.js
[*] assets/dist/app.min.js (generated file)
[*] assets/dist/ (generated file)

[+] locales/tr.json


10 Jul 2020


  • 🐛 fixed a bug regarding the comment section width
  • ✨ improved table styles
  • ✨ improved image sizing of post-card images
  • ✨ added cove comments (as default comment system)
  • ✨ added post grid config option

Changed files:

[*] assets/css/app.css
[*] assets/css/elements/_table.css
[*] assets/css/components/_sections.css
[*] assets/dist/app.min.css (generated file)
[*] assets/dist/ (generated file)

[*] package.json
[*] partials/post-card.hbs
[*] partials/tag-card.hbs
[*] partials/comments.hbs
[*] partials/related-posts.hbs
[*] partials/theme-config.hbs
[*] default.hbs
[*] index.hbs

[+] assets/css/components/_comments.css
[+] partials/cove_comments.hbs
[+] partials/disqus_comments.hbs


06 Jul 2020


  • 🐛 fixed a bug on safari browser (search images a stretched vertically)
  • 🐛 fixed small bug on safari browser (tag-list under hero section)
  • 🐛 fixed header menu alignment when there are many items

Changed files:

[*] assets/css/components/_header.css
[*] assets/css/components/_search.css
[*] assets/css/components/_tag.css
[*] assets/dist/app.min.css (generated file)
[*] assets/dist/ (generated file)
[*] package.json
[*] partials/header.hbs


05 Jul 2020

✨ Initial release

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